Sports nutrition

Key points about sports nutrition

  • Whether you're a top athlete or a weekend rugby player, sports nutrition helps athletes achieve their sporting goals and lead healthier lives.
  • It helps athletes to maximize benefits from training, improve recovery and perform at their best in a competition.
  • In addition, eating well helps to reduce the risk of injury and illness.
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Sports nutrition is about healthy eating that focuses on improving health and sporting performance. Food provides the human body with the nutrients necessary to grow, develop and function effectively. While there are general guidelines for a healthy diet, nutrition requirements vary for each individual depending on age, gender, metabolic rate, genetics, lifestyle and physical activity levels.

For athletes, having the right balance of food groups (to give the right mix of vitamins, fibre, carbohydrate, fat and protein) is especially important as nutrition affects performance in sport. It affects an athlete’s ability to train and compete to their best, their ability to recover and adapt, their body composition, their energy levels and their long-term health. 

To perform at their best, athletes must ensure they consume the right foods and the right volumes of food. In addition, they must consider the timing of their food and fluid intake.

It'S important that athletes tailor their nutritional intake to the type and amount of training they're doing. This means that an athlete’s nutritional requirements will differ at different phases in the season and even different days of the week.

Anyone looking to improve their health and performance can benefit from nutrition advice – from recreational exercisers to elite athletes. Examples include recreational or elite athletes with:

  • heavy training loads
  • specific dietary requirements e.g. gluten free
  • medical issues, e.g. diabetes
  • nutritional deficiencies, e.g. low iron
  • food allergies or intolerances
  • an injury
  • weight requirements for sport.

Other people who may benefit from sports nutrition advice include:

  • the young and/or growing
  • those thinking of taking sports foods or supplements
  • people travelling for competition.

If you’re looking for personalised sports nutrition advice, you can find a sports dietitian through the Find a dietitian(external link) section of the Dietitians NZ website.  (In the specialty column, choose 'Sports')
Registry for Registered Sports Nutritionists(external link) Find a local, qualified and insured sports nutritionist

Sports nutrition(external link) NZ Nutrition Foundation
Dietitians in NZ(external link) Dietitians Board NZ 
Sports nutrition(external link) Nutrition Australia
Range of scientific journal articles(external link) Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
Food and drinks for sports(external link) NHS Choices UK
High protein supplements(external link) Health Promotion Agency, NZ, 2019
Sports drinks(external link) Health Promotion Agency, NZ, 2019


High protein supplements

Health Promotion Agency, NZ, 2019

sports drinks

Sports drinks

Health Promotion Agency, NZ, 2019

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Credits: Cardea Nutrition Dietitians. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.

Reviewed by: Pat Flanagan, former dietitian, now a self-management consultant

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